
Terms and Conditions
One With You Wellness, S.A. de C.V., is a private company, established and existing under the laws of the Mexican Republic with address in Mexico City, Mexico.
These terms of use may be modified at any time and at the sole discretion of One With You. Additionally, these terms apply to all services offered by One With You online or directly. By exploring our site and contracting our services or making a reservation, it is understood that the user agrees and accepts these terms of service, as well as that they fully understand the rights and obligations that the use of this platform generates.
About the Website
To the best of its ability, One With You will make an effort to properly maintain this platform. However, the user accepts that each use of the platform is at their own risk and responsibility. One With You has the right to make technical or procedural alterations and/or improvements to the platform at any time without generating any obligation towards the user.
Modifications to the website https://www.onewithyou.mx/
One With You may at any time and when it deems appropriate, without the need to notify the user, make corrections, additions, improvements or modifications to the content, presentation, information, services, areas, databases and other elements of said site, without that this does not give rise to any right to any claim or compensation, nor does this imply recognition of any responsibility in favor of the user.
Limitations on liability
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, One With You will not be liable, in any case, for direct, special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages that in any way arise from or are related to:
a) The use or execution of the website https://www.onewithyou.mx/, with the delay or lack of availability of use of One With You. .
b) The provision or lack thereof of services of any information or graphics contained or published on or through the indicated site.
c) The updating or lack of updating of the information.
d) The alteration or modification, total or partial, of the information after having been included in said site.
e) Any other aspect or characteristic of the information contained or published on the website or through the links that may eventually be included on this site.
f) The provision or lack of provision of the other services, all of the above assumptions will be in force, even in cases in which One With You has been notified or advised about the possibility of said damages being caused.
Through https://www.onewithyou.mx/, One With You can obtain various user information that can be compiled and recorded in a database for which One With You publishes its “Privacy Notice” on the site. of https://www.onewithyou.mx/, which is recommended to consult for information regarding the processing of the user's personal data.
If One With You decides to change its Privacy Notice, it will announce such changes on the site https://www.onewithyou.mx/ so that the user can always know who is responsible for the treatment, what information is collected, why it is requests, among other things.
Age of participants
The experiences offered by One With You are intended only for people over 18 years of age, unless otherwise specified, entry will not be admitted to people who do not meet this requirement.
Cancellations and refunds
To cancel your trip, write us an email to hola@onewithyou.mx
Cancellation policies:
Cancellation 30 days or more in advance | $0
Cancellation 15 to 29 days in advance | 50% of the total cost
Cancellation 0 to 14 days in advance | 100% of the total cost
One With You Wellness reserves the right to cancel the trip (partial or complete).
If ONE WITH YOU cancels the experience or event, we will refund the full cost.
What happens if the trip does not have enough participants?
If the trip does not have enough participants, you can request:
• Transfer your payment to another trip on a different date
• Reimbursement of the cost of your trip
• Pay an extra fee to carry out the trip with fewer people.
If you decide to change your trip to another date or another trip, you have
3 months for your deposit to be respected.
One With You does not refund payments for hotels, meals, visits, or adventures that were not used by the traveler.
The price of each trip is per package and there is no credit for services that were not used.
What responsibilities do I have when participating in a trip?
By participating in one of our trips, you assume certain personal obligations and with other attendees.
One With You Wellness reserves the right to decline, accept or retain any participant whose physical, mental or behavioral health prevents them from continuing with the trip.
All expedition members will have to fill out and sign an application with medical information.
What should I do if I suffer from a medical or psychological condition?
If you have any medical or psychological condition, it is important that you let us know in advance.
The leaders of each trip have the right to disqualify any participant, at any time if they consider that any participant is not qualified to continue and/or if they put the safety of the group or themselves at risk.
Under these circumstances, there are no refunds.
Legal limitations | Read very carefully
We may hire independent companies for transportation, such as guides or other travel services.
We are not responsible for injury, loss or damage caused by any independent contracted company or service.
The above includes:
Acts of God
Force Majeure
Altercation or civil disturbance government restrictions and regulations
Delays or expenses caused by quarantine
Unpunctuality or delay due to any circumstance within the established schedule
Discrepancies or changes in transit
Hotel services
We reserve the right to make changes to the itinerary for the good, comfort and improvement of the trip and of each participant.
By making any payment to One With You Wellness S.A de CV, the beneficiary accepts the terms and conditions written and described previously.
Policies on COVID-19 and health
One With You strongly requests that all clients refrain from participating in our experiences if they have been in contact with anyone who has flu symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 within a period of at least 14 days prior to the experience. selected. Likewise, the user will be responsible for notifying One With You at least 3 days in advance about this situation and providing the evidence that One With You requires.
In these cases, One With You may decide at its sole discretion whether the payment made is refunded or taken as a credit balance for the client to participate in future experiences.
Due to the group nature of its experiences, One With You cannot guarantee that there will be no COVID-19 infections, although all measures dictated by the competent authority will be taken to prevent this. Therefore, by participating in our experiences, each participant assumes all risks of exposure to COVID-19 and accepts that, in the event of any infection, this will at no time be the responsibility of One With You, or any other affiliate, partner. , director, assistant or employee.
Experience Trips - Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of our passengers during each experience trip. By booking any of our experiences, you accept and agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:
1. Age and Health: Passengers must be in good physical health and not have medical conditions that could put their well-being at risk during the trip. This is due to safety considerations and the ability to follow instructions during travel.
2. Evaluation by Experts: Before the trip, the expert(s) of each experience will carry out an evaluation to guarantee that each passenger meets the minimum health and physical condition requirements, in order not to put their well-being at risk during the trip. experience.
3. Medical Restrictions: We will not allow travel to people who have heart or respiratory problems, serious illnesses, recent injuries or pregnant women.
4. Physical Ability: The trip involves walking, getting on and off, so passengers must have the physical capacity to do so without difficulty.
5. Responsible Behavior: Passengers must follow the instructions of the experts at all times and behave responsibly during the trip.
6. Team Decisions: The team of experts has the final authority to allow or deny a passenger's travel if it considers that the passenger does not meet the safety criteria or if the conditions are not suitable.
7. Client Responsibility: We disclaim any responsibility for expenses incurred by the client in the event that the client does not meet the health, physical condition or age requirements specified in this policy. It is the client's responsibility to ensure they meet these requirements before booking any experience with us. Expenses associated with cancellation or modification of a reservation due to failure to comply with these requirements will be borne by the client.
It is essential that guests understand and agree to this policy before booking any of our experiences. Safety is our primary concern and we reserve the right to make decisions based on the safety of everyone involved.
Our goal is to provide a memorable and safe experience to all our passengers. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our safety and travel policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to your safety and well-being during each trip.
Applicable laws
These terms and conditions are subject to Mexican law and, therefore, any disagreement or dispute must be resolved in a competent court in Mexico City.